High Adjective Synonyms
cheerful, exuberant, elated, boisterous, exhilarated, hilarious, merry, excited
I find his persistent high spirits rather depressing.
elaborate, luxurious, grand, extravagant, lavish, rich, prodigal, sybaritic
With her millions she can now enjoy the high life.
consequential, important, grave, serious, weighty, momentous, heinous, capital
His activities constitute high treason.
chief, leading, important, principal, foremost
He regards himself as the high priest of women's fashion.
great, huge, enormous, considerable, strong, violent, turbulent
These wires carry high voltages. The high winds blew down trees.
peak, record, height, maximum, acme, apex
Employment is expected to reach a high next summer.
far up, great in extent
Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly so high. I was willing to go as high as 20,000 for the painting.
euphoric, intoxicated, inebriated, drunk, drugged, loaded, tipsy, turned on, on a trip, stoned, spaced out, squiffy, spacy, squiffed
They got high sniffing glue.
costly, dear, expensive, high-priced
Shares are not as high as they were before the crash.
gamy, tainted, aged, ripe, pongy
He likes to hang venison till it is quite high.
exalted, elevated, lofty, superior, high-class
With insider trading, theft became a high art in the financial world.
extreme, excessive, extraordinary, exorbitant, outrageous, steep, stiff
Houses in that district are fetching high prices.
tall, lofty, elevated, towering
High mountains surround the valley.
high-pitched, high-frequency, squeaky, acute, treble, soprano, shrill, strident, sharp, penetrating, piercing, ear-splitting
The higher notes make my radio speaker vibrate. She has an irritatingly high voice.
considerable, favorable, great
She is held in high esteem by her colleagues.
High Adverb Synonyms
intoxication, altered consciousness
The high lasts till the drug wears off.
High Noun Synonyms
The high passing over the country will bring fair weather.
Search Google for High:
Lifestyle / Travel / High Season: The time of year when a destination gets the greatest crowds, and thus can increase hotel and rental car rates, etc. As an example, summertime is high season for travel to europe (just check the airfa MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / High-Grown: Arabica coffees grown at altitudes over 3,000 feet, usually higher. Such coffees are generally superior to coffees grown at lower altitudes. The term high-grown is also used in many Latin American gra MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / High Water Mark: A line or mark left upon tide flats, beach, or along shore objects indicating the elevation of the intrusion of high water. The mark may be a line of oil or scum on along shore objects, or a more or l MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Strictly High-Grown: Highest grade of El Salvador coffee. MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Strictly High-Grown Washed: Highest grade of Haiti coffee. MORE
Science / Weather / Intermountain High: An area of high pressure that occurs during the winter between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra-Cascade ranges. It blocks the eastward movement of Pacific cyclones. Also called Plateau High or Great MORE