Technology / Home Audio / High Fidelity: A method of sound reproduction that emphasizes the highest possible adherence to the exact character of the original sound. This is a principal that must be paramount in every stage of the recording, transportation, and re-creation of the signal to be fully operational. It is usually the listener's equipment wherein this objective is most seriously compromised.
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High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone
High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
Technology / Home Audio / Institue of High Fidelity (IHF): The premier institution for high fidelity whose standards have come to be universally recognized in application to the operation and design of sound re-enforcement and reproduction equipment. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Highlight: A point of intense brightness, such as the reflection in an eye. MORE
Business / Construction / Highlights: A light spot, area, or streak on a painted surface. MORE