Technology / Home Audio / Bipolar Transistor: A older but still effectively used transistor type that contains two p or n junctions or diodes between two layers of opposite polarity material (emitter and collector) . In handling large power, mostly replaced by MOSFET types.
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Technology / Home Audio / Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor ( Mosfet): A type of large output transistor used in the final stages of many power amplifiers, and commonly found in most car and home amplifiers today. These field-effect transistors are controlled by voltage MORE
Technology / Computers / Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL): A digital electronics term used to describe a class of integrated circuits derived from two transistors. MORE
Technology / Computers / Transistor: A device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens or closes a circuit. Invented in 1947 at Bell Labs, transistors have become the key ingredient of all digital circuits, inc MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Photo-Transistor: Light sensitive electronic component which functions as a switch. Used for slave firing of electronic flash heads. MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Bipolar Disorder: A category of mental illnesses in which mood and affect are disturbed - characterized by irregular cycles of mania and/or depression. During manic periods, the individual may be in a very elevated moo MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Bipolar Transistor: A older but still effectively used transistor type that contains two p or n junctions or diodes between two layers of opposite polarity material (emitter and collector) . In handling large power, most MORE