Technology / Home Audio / Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor ( Mosfet): A type of large output transistor used in the final stages of many power amplifiers, and commonly found in most car and home amplifiers today. These field-effect transistors are controlled by voltage rather than current, like a bipolar transistor. Mosfets have a significantly higher switching speed than bipolar transistors. They generate almost no loss (little heat generation), which lends the power supply fast response, excellent linearity, and high efficiency. Mosfet transistors are most often discrete devices, used with smaller driver transistors and other devices, to convert a small signal to a large one. They are highly stable and efficient, compared to the bipolar types that preceded them.
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Effect Noun Synonyms: effectiveness, efficacy, force, power, capacity, potency, influence, impression, impact, clout, punch
Effect Adjective Synonyms: result, consequence, outcome, conclusion, upshot, aftermath, impact
Field Noun Synonyms: battlefield, battleground, airfield, (cricket) pitch, football or hockey or soccer field, gridiron
Field Verb Synonyms: ground, land, arable, pasture, grassland, meadow, green, lawn, common, clearing, tract, area, acreage, greensward, lea, sward, mead
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