Technology / Aviation / Distant Early Warning Identification Zone (DEWIZ): An ADIZ over the coastal waters of the State of Alaska. ADIZ locations and operating and flight plan requirements for civil aircraft operations are specified in FAR Part 99.
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Distant Adjective Synonyms: away, off
Distant Verb Synonyms: far, far-off, remote, far-away, long-way-off, removed
Early Noun Synonyms: beforehand, ahead (of time), prematurely
Early Adverb Synonyms: anciently, initially, originally, at or near the start or beginning
Early Adjective Synonyms: initial, beginning, original, first, pioneer, advanced
Identification Noun Synonyms: connection, association, affiliation, empathy, sympathy, rapport, relationship
Identification Adjective Synonyms: connection, recognition, distinguishing, indication, perception, detection, selection, naming, labelling, pinpointing, designation, characterization, denomination, authentication, verification, establishment, certification, substantiation, corroboration
Warning Noun Synonyms: caution, admonition, advice, counsel, caveat, word (to the wise), tip, notification, notice, threat, lesson, example
Zone Noun Synonyms: area, quarter, district, region, sector, section, sphere, belt, territory, province, realm, domain, precinct, bailiwick, department, terrain, circle, locality, locale, turf
Business / Agriculture / Soil Moisture Zone: Depth of soil from which plant roots extract water. MORE
Science / Geology / Seismic Transition Zone: A seismic discontinuity, found in all parts of the Earth, at which the velocity increases rapidly with depth: especially the one at 300 to 600 kilometers. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Santa Came Early: Expression used after a very lucky shot; a gift. MORE
Technology / Computers / Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): RFID first appeared in tracking and access applications during the 1980s. It is a method of remotely storing and retrieving data using devices called RFID tags/transponders and is coming into increasi MORE