Zone Noun Synonyms
area, quarter, district, region, sector, section, sphere, belt, territory, province, realm, domain, precinct, bailiwick, department, terrain, circle, locality, locale, turf
A duty-free zone will allow for quicker transshipment of goods. The northern and southern hemispheres each have a frigid, temperate, torrid zone.
Search Google for Zone:
Science / Marine Biology / Biogenically Reworked Zone: The depth zone, within a sediment, that is actively burrowed by benthic organisms MORE
Science / Biology / Zone Of Intolerance: The area outside the geographic range where a population is absent; grades into the zone of physiological stress. MORE
Science / Geology / Vadose Zone: The region in the ground between the surface and the water table in which pores are not filled with water. Also called the unsaturated zone. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Alquist-Priolo Special Study Zone: A California law requiring a real estate agent or owner to disclose to prospective buyers that a property is located within a special studies zone (geological hazard zone) and if the property contains MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Abyssopelagic Zone: 'Abysso' meaning 'no bottom', this zone of the ocean begins 4000 m below the surface of the ocean and extends down to the sea floor. This zone is home to a variety of unique critters that are speciall MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Zone Defense: A defense used extensively in college but not permitted in the NBA, where each defender is responsible for an area of the court and must guard any player who enters that area. MORE