Early Adjective Synonyms
primeval, primitive, primordial, ancient, old, prehistoric, antediluvian, original, antique, antiquated
The Olduvai Gorge has yielded up many early humanoid fossils.
initial, beginning, original, first, pioneer, advanced
He was one of the earliest writers on the subject.
Early Adverb Synonyms
betimes, at cock crow or cock's-crow, at (the crack or break of) dawn, at daybreak
You're up early this morning.
anciently, initially, originally, at or near the start or beginning
Plants appeared early in the development of life forms on earth.
untimely, premature, inopportune, inappropriate
The early fruit isn't as sweet.
Early Noun Synonyms
beforehand, ahead (of time), prematurely
I arrived too early and had to wait.
Search Google for Early:
Business / Taxes / Early Withdrawal: If you withdraw assets from a fixed-term investment, such as a certificate of deposit (CD), before it matures, it is considered an early withdrawal. If you withdraw from an individual retirement accou MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Early Foundation: A strike in the eighth frame. See also foundation. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Early Modern English: Modern English covers the time-frame from about 1450 or so up to the present day. However, linguists sometimes subdivide Modern English into 'Early Modern' (c. 1450-1800) and 'Late Modern' (c. 1800 to MORE
Lifestyle / College / Early Admission: Acceptance into a postsecondary institution before completion of Secondary school or acceptance before the regular admission date. Admission standards are usually higher for early acceptance. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Early Shower: When a pitcher is pulled from the game early for ineffectiveness, he is said to be removed ?€?for an early shower?€™ or to ?€?hit the showers.?€™ MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Early Timing: Releasing the ball before the sliding foot completes its slide; usually results in less hook and a less strong ball as the player does not have the proper balance and leverage to hit up on the ball. I MORE