Current Adjective Synonyms
prevalent, prevailing, common, popular, accepted, known, widespread, reported, in circulation, going round or around, bruited about, widely known, in the air, present-day
The current theories reject those of a decade ago.
stream, flow, undercurrent
The canoe was caught in the current and carried away.
up to date, in the know, informed, advised, in touch, aware, posted, au courant, au fait, on the qui vive
The Financial Journal keeps me current on stock prices.
contemporary, ongoing, present, contemporaneous, simultaneous, coeval
The current issue of the magazine came out last week.
fashionable, stylish, modish, in vogue, latest, up to date, trendy
The current trend is towards shorter skirts.
Current Noun Synonyms
course, progress, tendency, tenor, drift, trend, inclination, mainstream
The current of public opinion is turning in favour of policies that are more environmentally responsible.
Search Google for Current:
Science / Tides and Currents / Current Diagram: A graphic table published in the Tidal Current Tables showing the speeds of the flood and ebb currents and the times of slacks and strengths over a considerable stretch of the channel of a tidal water MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Current Ellipse: A graphic representation of a rotary current in which the velocity of the current at different hours of the tidal cycle is represented by radius vectors and vectoral angles. A line joining the extremi MORE
Business / Finance / Current Coupon: Assets that are convertible to cash within one year in the normal course of business. This usually includes cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and prepaid expenses. See also non-current assets. MORE
Business / Finance / Current Income: A bond selling at or close to par, that is, a bond with a coupon close to the yields currently offered on new bonds of a similar maturity and credit risk. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Agulhas Current: An Indian Ocean current setting southwestward along the southeast coast of Africa. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Current Station: The geographic location at which current observations are conducted. Also, the facilities used to make current observations. These may include a buoy, ground tackle, current meters, recording mechanis MORE