Science / Marine Biology / Oxygen Technique (Primary Productivity): The estimation of primary productivity by the measurement of the rate of oxygen increase
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Technique Verb Synonyms: technic, method, approach, manner, mode, fashion, style, procedure, system, tack, line, modus operandi, standard operating procedure, MO (= 'modus operandi'), SOP (= 'standard operating procedure')
Science / Weather / Oxygen (O2): A colorless, tasteless, odorless gas that is the second most abundant constituent of dry air, comprising 20.946%. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Oxygen Dissociation Curve: A curve showing the percent saturation of a blood pigment, such as hemoglobin, as a function of oxygen concentration of the fluid MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Oxygen (O): Atomic number: 8, Atomic mass: 15.999 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 3.5, Density: 1.429 kg/m3 at 20?°C, Melting point: -219 ?°C, Boiling point: -183 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.074 nm, Ionic radius: MORE
Science / Chemistry / Oxygen: Element 8, atomic weight 15.9994, a colorless, odorless gas that makes up about 1/5 of the earth's atmosphere and (in combined form) 8/9ths of earth's oceans and almost half of the earth's crust. The MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Nominal Group Technique: A consensus planning tool used to identify the strengths of an organization, department or division, whereby participants are brought together to discuss important issues, problems and solutions. MORE
Health / Massage / Onsen Technique: Onsen is a Japanese word meaning at rest or at peace. It is a state of mind, but can also be a state of body. Developer Richard Phaigh translated it to mean balance, particularly length and strength b MORE