Science / Marine Biology / Oxygen Dissociation Curve: A curve showing the percent saturation of a blood pigment, such as hemoglobin, as a function of oxygen concentration of the fluid
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Science / Geology / Rating Curve: A plot that shows the relationship between the stage and discharge (streamflow) of a specific stream at a specific location. It is customary to plot stream stage on the y-axis of the plot and discharg MORE
Business / Finance / Riding The Yield Curve: Buying long-term bonds in anticipation of capital gains as yields fall with the declining maturity of the bonds. MORE
Business / Finance / Spot Rate Curve: The theoretical yield on a zero-coupon Treasury security. MORE
Business / Finance / Positive Yield Curve: When long-term debt interest rates are higher than short-term debt rates (because of the increased risk involved with long-term debt security). MORE