Business / Human Resources (HR) / Nominal Group Technique: A consensus planning tool used to identify the strengths of an organization, department or division, whereby participants are brought together to discuss important issues, problems and solutions.
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Group Noun Synonyms: batch, aggregation, set, grouping, collection, assemblage, bunch, accumulation, conglomeration, agglomeration, assortment, series, pile, heap, bundle
Group Adjective Synonyms: assembly, assemblage, gathering, congregation, company, number, alliance, union, association, organization, league, society, coterie, clique, set, band, circle, club, party, body, faction, crowd, team, corps, guild, troupe, unit, troop, platoon, squad
Nominal Adjective Synonyms: titular, in name only, formal, pretended, so-called, self-styled, soi-disant, professed, purported, supposed, would-be, representational, represented, supposititious, proposed, propositional, puppet
Technique Verb Synonyms: technic, method, approach, manner, mode, fashion, style, procedure, system, tack, line, modus operandi, standard operating procedure, MO (= 'modus operandi'), SOP (= 'standard operating procedure')
Business / Real Estate / Nominal Damages: Monetary damages of a token amount awarded for a wrongful act where no loss occurred. MORE
Business / Finance / Nominal Dollars: Dollars that are not adjusted for inflation. MORE
Business / Finance / Nominal Cash Flow: A cash flow expressed in nominal terms if the actual dollars to be received or paid out are given. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Nominal Aphasia: difficulty in naming objects MORE
Business / Finance / Nominal Annual Rate: An effective rate per period multiplied by the number of periods in a year. Same as annual percentage rate. MORE
Business / Finance / Nominal Exchange Rate: The actual foreign exchange quotation in contrast to the real exchange rate, which has been adjusted for changes in purchasing power. MORE