Other Words for Technique

Technique Verb Synonyms
technic, art, craftsmanship, artistry, craft, knack, touch, skill, skillfulness, adroitness, adeptness, dexterousness, facility, competence, faculty, ability, aptitude, performance, proficiency, talent, gift, genius, know-how, knowledge, expertise
Jason's technique remains unsurpassed.

technic, method, approach, manner, mode, fashion, style, procedure, system, tack, line, modus operandi, standard operating procedure, MO (= 'modus operandi'), SOP (= 'standard operating procedure')
After many years, he has developed his own technique for building hot-air balloons.

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More Words for Technique

Method / Tack / Style / Ability / Line / Craft / Skill / Art

Muscle Release Technique

Health / Massage / Muscle Release Technique: This technique combines compression, extension, movement, and breath to give therapists a tool to provide relief from pain, treating such conditions as carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic low back pain, p MORE

Myoskeletal Alignment Technique

Health / Massage / Myoskeletal Alignment Technique: A holistic approach to relief of back and neck pain based on concepts and principles from Rolfing, osteopathy, and related physical medicine. Focused on detecting and correcting strain patterns to pre MORE

Aggregation Technique

Science / Genetics / Aggregation Technique: A technique used in model organism studies in which embryos at the 8-cell stage of development are pushed together to yield a single embryo (used as an alternative to microinjection). MORE

Proper Technique

Health / Fitness / Proper Technique: To get the most out of strength training and to reduce the chance of injury, use proper weight training techniques. These include working your muscles through their full range of motion (but not locki MORE

Raindrop Technique

Health / Massage / Raindrop Technique: Originated by D. Gary Young, raindrop technique is a noninvasive tool for helping to correct defects in the curvature of the spine caused by viruses and bacteria that lie dormant there. Antimicrobial MORE

Radiance Technique

Health / Massage / Radiance Technique: This technique is a science of universal energy, taught in seminars by authorized instructors throughout the world. It is a seven-level technique, in which students learn a variety of ways to apply an MORE