Science / Chemistry / Standard Solution: A solution of precisely known concentration.
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Solution Adverb Synonyms: mixture, blend, compound, infusion, liquid, fluid, emulsion, suspension, colloid or colloidal solution or colloidal suspension
Solution Noun Synonyms: solving, working or figuring out, discovery, finding out, unravelling, explication, deciphering, decipherment, elucidation, revelation, clarification, explanation, answer, key
Solution Adjective Synonyms: dissolving, dissolution, mixing, mixture
Standard Noun Synonyms: criterion, measure, benchmark, model, pattern, archetype, touchstone, yardstick, gauge, guide, guideline, paradigm, paragon, exemplar, example, sample, type, ideal, beau id‚al, rule, canon, law, requirement, precept, principle
Business / Finance / Standard Error: The square root of the variance. A measure of dispersion of a set of data from its mean. MORE
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Standard Exchange: A vacation exchange request made by telephone or mail for travel dates between 24 months and 45 days prior to the week of travel. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Standard Entropy Of Reaction: A change in entropy associated with a reaction involving substances in their standard states. A superscript circle (?°) distinguishes standard enthalpy changes from enthalpy changes which involve rea MORE
Science / Chemistry / Standard Enthalpy Of Reaction: A change in enthalpy associated with a reaction involving substances in their standard states. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Standard Enthalpy Of Formation: The change in enthalpy when one mole of compound is formed from its elements in their most stable form and in their standard states. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Standard Hydrogen Electrode: A platinum electrode that runs the half reaction 2 H+(aq, 1M) + 2 e- rightarrow H2(g, 1 atm), chosen as a reference for cell voltages. The electrode potential of the standard hydrogen electrode is def MORE