Lifestyle / Time Shares / Standard Exchange: A vacation exchange request made by telephone or mail for travel dates between 24 months and 45 days prior to the week of travel.
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Exchange Adjective Synonyms: trade, barter, switch, change, interchange, reciprocate, return, swap or swop
Exchange Verb Synonyms: market, stock market, Stock Exchange, securities exchange, the Market, the Board, the Big Board, the Exchange, the Bourse, Wall Street, the Street
Standard Noun Synonyms: criterion, measure, benchmark, model, pattern, archetype, touchstone, yardstick, gauge, guide, guideline, paradigm, paragon, exemplar, example, sample, type, ideal, beau id‚al, rule, canon, law, requirement, precept, principle
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Instant Exchange: A vacation exchange conveniently made by telephone for travel dates within the next 2 to 45 days. MORE
Business / Finance / Spot Exchange Rates: A commodity that is traded with the expectation of actual delivery, as opposed to a commodity future that is usually not delivered. MORE
Business / Finance / South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX): Customer seller of stock for the purpose of raising cash for other purchases. Such a seller will sell only at advantageous prices, and not aggressively. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Standard: A motorcycle intended for general, all-around street use, typically with an upright seating posture and higher handlebars. MORE
Business / Finance / Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX): The use of a mathematical model to imitate a situation many times in order to estimate the likelihood of various possible outcomes. See: Monte Carlo simulation. MORE
Technology / Aviation / Standard Air (Standard Atmosphere): An arbitrary atmosphere established for calibration of aircraft instruments. Standard Air Density is 29.92 inches of mercury and temperature of 59?° F, equivalent to an atmospheric air pressure of 14 MORE