Solution Adjective Synonyms
dissolving, dissolution, mixing, mixture
The solution of these ingredients in alcohol was first accomplished in ancient times.
Solution Adverb Synonyms
mixture, blend, compound, infusion, liquid, fluid, emulsion, suspension, colloid or colloidal solution or colloidal suspension
After mixing the powder with water,e the solution to bathe the wound.
Solution Noun Synonyms
solving, working or figuring out, discovery, finding out, unravelling, explication, deciphering, decipherment, elucidation, revelation, clarification, explanation, answer, key
The solution of the problem should be left up to the experts. Several solutions have been found through computer analysis.
settlement, settling, resolution, result, denouement or d‚nouement, outcome, conclusion
It seems unlikely that we shall be able to bring this matter to a solution in a one-day meeting.
Search Google for Solution:
Technology / Radar / Range Resolution: Range resolution is the ability of the radar to differentiate or resolve two targets that are close together in range. MORE
Technology / Radar / Resolution In Range: The ability to display multiple objects individually that are closely spaced at the same bearing. Smaller horizontal beam width increases resolution. MORE
Business / Taxes / Dispute Resolution: Dispute resolution ?€” sometimes called alternative dispute resolution ?€” refers to methods of resolving conflicts between parties or individuals that doesn?€™t involve litigation. Mediat MORE
Science / Chemistry / Integral Enthalpy Of Solution: The heat absorbed or released when a solute is dissolved in a definite amount of solvent. The heat of solution depends on the nature of the solute and on its concentration in the final solution. The i MORE
Science / Chemistry / Standard Solution: A solution of precisely known concentration. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Unsaturated Solution: A solution with a concentration lower than its equilibrium solubility. MORE