Lifestyle / Travel / Prepaid Ticket Advice: A form used when purchasing an air ticket to be picked up and used by someone else at another airport. E-tickets have reduced the need for this greatly.
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Advice Noun Synonyms: counsel, guidance, recommendation, suggestion, opinion, view, warning, admonition
Business / Finance / Prepaid Interest: An asset account showing interest that has been paid in advance, which is expensed and charged to the borrower's P & L statement. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Prepaid Group Practices: Term originally used to describe healthcare systems that later became known as health maintenance organizations. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Prepaid Group Legal Plan: A benefit plan that provides employees, their spouses or dependents with assistance in obtaining legal services, which have been prepaid in whole or in part by the employer. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Prepaid Items: On a closing statement, items that have been paid in advance by the seller, such as insurance premiums and some real estate taxes, for which he or she must be reimbursed by the buyer. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Prepaid Ticket: Ticketing method in which a person or company purchases an airline ticket in one location for a traveler in another. The traveler picks up the prepaid ticket from the airline ticket counter. MORE