Adoption Glossary

Adoption Petition , Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) , Cultural Competence , Social Worker , Evaluation of Family Progress , Boarder Babies , Open Records , Dossier , Matching , Cooperative Adoption MORE

Christmas Glossary

The Star Of Bethlehem , Carving The Bird , Christmas Shopping , Manger , Berry , Christian , Candle , Poinsetta , Stockings , Mary MORE

Christmas Trees Glossary

Canaan Fir , Variety , Cultivar (cultivated variety) , Fraser Fir , Habit , Ponderosa Pine , Sterigmata , Blue Ice Cypress , Norway Spruce , Cone MORE

Coffee Glossary

Open-Pot Method , Scorched , Potato , Sour , Jinotega , Soury , High-Grown , New England Roast , Basic Tastes , Jimma MORE

College Glossary

Division , Matriculation , Practicum , Internship , Special Education , Counselor , College Catalogue , Exchange (Program) , Early Decision , Dean MORE

Holiday Glossary

Federal Holiday , Ghost Festival , St Nicholas Day , Fourth of July , Jamshedi Navroz , Guy Fawkes Day , The Assumption of Mary , Fourth of July , National Grandparents Day , Bon Chol Chhanam MORE

Painting Glossary

Variegated Wash , Claude Glass , Underwater Painting , Vehicle , Megilp , Lap , Mildew Resistance , Spiders Web , Wove Paper , Drawing-Frame MORE

Poetry Glossary

Antepenultima , Pantun , Antibacchic , Scansion , Choka , Neoclassicism , Choree , Scheme , Macaronic Verse , Hudibrastic Poetry MORE

Tea Glossary

Cha , Oolong Tea , Tuocha , Lapsang Souchong , Mizutsugi , Tea Tree , Chaki , Dhool , Billy Tea , Flat MORE

Time Shares Glossary

Demand Times , Guest Certificate , Exchange Confirmation , Life Property , Deeded Property , Management Company , Escritura , Deeded Ownership , Biennial (EOY) , Lockout, A.K.A. Lock-Off Unit MORE

Travel Glossary

Advance Purchase Excursion (Apex) , Tour Operator , Hotel Manager , Cruise Rate , Prepaid Ticket Advice , Bonded , Electronic Ticket , Collision Damage Waiver (Cdw) , Unlimited Mileage , Special Fare MORE

Wine Grapes Glossary

Grk , Bourboulenc , Faber , Garonnet , Seibel 14 , Verdicchio , Trousseau (Noir) , Elita 2-3-61 , Beichun , Portan MORE