Prepaid Interest

Business / Finance / Prepaid Interest: An asset account showing interest that has been paid in advance, which is expensed and charged to the borrower's P & L statement.
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Other Words for Interest

Interest Adjective Synonyms: concern, significance, importance, weight, moment, note, consequence
Interest Noun Synonyms: attention, attentiveness, concern, regard, curiosity, scrutiny, notice, engagement

Minority Interest

Business / Accounting / Minority Interest: A minority interest represents a minority of shares not held by the holding company of a subsidiary. It means that the subsidiary is not wholly owned by the holding company. The minority shareholdings MORE

Mortgage Interest Deduction

Business / Finance / Mortgage Interest Deduction: A federal tax deduction for interest paid on a mortgage used to acquire, construct, or improve a residence. MORE

Mineral Interest

Science / Geology / Mineral Interest: An ownership, lease, concession, or other contractual interest that gives a party the right to explore and extract mineral resources on a property. MORE

Interest-Sensitive Stock

Business / Finance / Interest-Sensitive Stock: Stocks whose earnings are dependent upon and change with the interest rate, e.g., bank stocks. MORE

Interest-Sensitive Insurance Policy

Business / Finance / Interest-Sensitive Insurance Policy: A cash value life insurance policy whose insurance dividend rates vary with respect to inflation, enabling the policyholder to avoid the loss of purchasing power associated with inflation. MORE

Net Interest Cost (NIC)

Business / Finance / Net Interest Cost (NIC): The total amount of interest that will be paid on a debt obligation by a corporate or municipal bond issuer. MORE