Business / Finance / Prepaid Interest: An asset account showing interest that has been paid in advance, which is expensed and charged to the borrower's P & L statement.
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Interest Adjective Synonyms: concern, significance, importance, weight, moment, note, consequence
Interest Noun Synonyms: attention, attentiveness, concern, regard, curiosity, scrutiny, notice, engagement
Business / Accounting / Minority Interest: A minority interest represents a minority of shares not held by the holding company of a subsidiary. It means that the subsidiary is not wholly owned by the holding company. The minority shareholdings MORE
Business / Finance / Mortgage Interest Deduction: A federal tax deduction for interest paid on a mortgage used to acquire, construct, or improve a residence. MORE
Science / Geology / Mineral Interest: An ownership, lease, concession, or other contractual interest that gives a party the right to explore and extract mineral resources on a property. MORE
Business / Finance / Interest-Sensitive Stock: Stocks whose earnings are dependent upon and change with the interest rate, e.g., bank stocks. MORE
Business / Finance / Interest-Sensitive Insurance Policy: A cash value life insurance policy whose insurance dividend rates vary with respect to inflation, enabling the policyholder to avoid the loss of purchasing power associated with inflation. MORE
Business / Finance / Net Interest Cost (NIC): The total amount of interest that will be paid on a debt obligation by a corporate or municipal bond issuer. MORE