Lifestyle / Time Shares / Space Banking: Space banking occurs when a timeshare owner deposits a timeshare week into an exchange company's 'bank'. In the timeshare industry, 'Space banking' is synonymous with 'banking'.
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Space Adjective Synonyms: spaciousness, room, place, expanse, elbow-room, leeway, margin, latitude, play
Space Verb Synonyms: accommodation, seat, berth, room, place
Space Noun Synonyms: interval, lapse, period, time, hiatus, lacuna, span, while, duration, extent, spell, stretch, pause, wait, intermission, gap, break, interruption
Lifestyle / Painting / Negative Space: The areas of an artwork that are NOT the primary subject or object. Negative Space defines the subject by implication. See Positive Space, Notan, Gestalt MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Positive Space: The areas of an artwork that IS the primary subject or object. Positive Space defines the subjects outline. MORE
Business / Finance / Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking And Branching Efficiency Act Of 1994: Law permitting interstate banking in the U.S. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Shallow Space Blocking: A type of blocking associated with multiple-camera, studio set productions, where, due to the shallow sets, the actors mostly move side-to-side, rather than up-and-back. MORE
Technology / Aviation / National Airspace System (NAS): The common network of US airspace: air navigation facilities, equipment and services, airports or landing areas: aeronautical charts, information and services: rules, regulations and procedures, techn MORE