Water Based Paint

Lifestyle / Painting / Water Based Paint: Any paint made with acrylic, vinyl or latex resins, and thinned with water. It dries more quickly than oil-based paint, has a relatively low odor and cleans up easily.
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Other Words for Paint

Paint Verb Synonyms: color, tint, dye, stain, decorate
Paint Adjective Synonyms: coating, coat, surface, enamel
Paint Noun Synonyms: color, tint, dye, colouring, pigment, stain

Other Words for Water

Water Noun Synonyms: H2O, distilled water, tap water, drinking-water, bottled water, spa water, still water, soda (water), effervescent water, mineral water, sea water, salt water, ditch-water, dishwater, bath-water, branch water, Adam's ale, Latin a

The Paint

Entertainment / Basketball / The Paint: Another name for the foul lane. See above. MORE


Science / Tides and Currents / Tidewater: Water activated by the tide generating forces and/or water affected by the resulting tide, especially in coastal and estuarine areas. Also, a general term often applied to the land and water of estuar MORE

Tonic Water

Entertainment / Liquor / Tonic Water: A carbonated beverage containing lemon, lime, and quinine, an alkaloid obtained from the cinchona bark. MORE

Totally-Enclosed Water Air-Cooled Machine

Technology / Motors / Totally-Enclosed Water Air-Cooled Machine: A totally-enclosed machine cooled by circulating air which, in turn, is cooled by circulating water. Provided with water-cooled heat exchanger for cooling ventilating air and fan or fans, integral wit MORE

Texture Paint

Lifestyle / Painting / Texture Paint: Paint that can be manipulated by brush, roller, trowel or other tool to produce various effects. MORE

Swiss Water Process

Lifestyle / Coffee / Swiss Water Process: A trademarked decaffeination method that removes caffeine from coffee beans using hot water, steam, and activated charcoal rather than chemicals or solvents. MORE