Entertainment / Golf / Sand And Seed: (also 'divot mix') a mixture of sand and grass seed (sometimes also including soil and/or fertilizer) used to fill in divots
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Seed Noun Synonyms: scatter, sow, distribute
Seed Verb Synonyms: grain, spore, kernel, pit, tuber, bulb, corm, ovum, ovule, embryo, egg, germ
Business / Accounting / Property Plant And Equipment: Tangible, long-lived assets acquired for use in business operations: includes land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and furniture. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Propaganda: In its original use, the term referred to a committee of cardinals the Roman Catholic church founded in 1622 (the Congregatio de propaganda fide). This group established specific educational materials MORE
Business / Accounting / Property Plant And Equipment Turnover: A measure of how well property, plant, and equipment are being utilized in generating a period's sales: computed by dividing net sales by average property, plant and equipment. MORE
Business / Finance / Property, Plant And Equipment (PP and E): Assets used in the operations of a business that have a useful life greater than one year, including land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and furniture. Also known as fixed assets. See also deprecia MORE
Science / Biology / Prostaglandins: A class of fatty acids that has many of the properties of hormones; synthesized and secreted by many body tissues and have a variety of effects on nearby cells. MORE
Health / Vitamins / Prostaglandin: A hormone-like compound with many affects including effects on the secretion of hormones and enzymes, inflammatory response, blood pressure and blood clotting. MORE