Property, Plant And Equipment (PP and E)

Business / Finance / Property, Plant And Equipment (PP and E): Assets used in the operations of a business that have a useful life greater than one year, including land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and furniture. Also known as fixed assets. See also depreciation.
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Other Words for Equipment

Equipment Verb Synonyms: gear, apparatus, furnishings, accoutrements, appurtenances, paraphernalia, kit, materiel, tackle, outfit, trappings, tack, equipage, clobber

Other Words for Plant

Plant Noun Synonyms: factory, mill, shop, works, workshop, foundry
Plant Verb Synonyms: flower, vegetable, herb, bush, shrub, tree, vine, weed

PP and E

Business / Finance / PP and E: See Property, Plant & Equipment. MORE

Power Handling

Technology / Home Audio / Power Handling: A measure of how much amplifier power, in watts, a speaker can take before it is damaged. MORE


Business / Construction / Post-And-Beam: A basic building method that uses just a few hefty posts and beams to support an entire structure. Contrasts with stud framing. MORE

Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)

Technology / Computers / Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE): (pronounced 'pixie') Created by Intel, it is one of their WfM specification components. A PXE-enabled workstation has a jumper that connects its NIC to the LAN which will keep the workstation connecte MORE

Preand Post Tours

Lifestyle / Travel / Preand Post Tours: Optional extension or side-trip package before or after a meeting, gathering or convention. MORE

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

Health / Health Insurance / Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): A healthcare benefit arrangement designed to supply services at a discounted cost by providing incentives for members to use designated healthcare providers (who contract with the PPO at a discount), MORE