Other Words for Seed

Seed Noun Synonyms
scatter, sow, distribute
Don't walk on the freshly seeded lawn.

Seed Verb Synonyms
grain, spore, kernel, pit, tuber, bulb, corm, ovum, ovule, embryo, egg, germ
Add water and the seeds will soon germinate.

offspring, children, progeny, young, issue, descendants, heirs, successors
Yea, verily I say unto you that his seed shall populate the earth.

origin, source, cause, root, provocation, reason, basis, grounds, motive, motivation, motivating factor
The seeds of suspicion were sown by the continuous police presence in the neighborhood.

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More Words for Seed

Motive / Root / Origin

Seed Bank

Business / Agriculture / Seed Bank: A facility used for the preservation and dissemination of seed, particularly varieties that are not in commercial use and that may be threatened with extinction. The USDA administers the U.S. National MORE

Seed Coat

Science / Biology / Seed Coat: The tough outer layer of the seed, derived from the outer layers of the ovule. MORE

Oilseed Crops

Business / Agriculture / Oilseed Crops: Primarily soybeans, sunflower seed, canola, rapeseed, safflower, flaxseed, mustard seed, peanuts and cottonseed, used for the production of cooking oils, protein meals for livestock, and industrial us MORE

Minor Oilseeds

Business / Agriculture / Minor Oilseeds: Oilseed crops other than soybeans and peanuts: usually a reference to the other oilseeds eligible for marketing assistance loans under the FAIR Act of 1996 (sunflower seed, canola, rapeseed, safflower MORE

Terminator Seeds

Business / Agriculture / Terminator Seeds: A descriptive term used by some for seeds that have been genetically engineered to produce a crop whose first generation produces sterile seeds, thus preventing a second generation from being grown fr MORE

Seed Emails

Technology / Email / Seed Emails: Email addresses placed on a list (sometimes secretly) to determine what messages are sent to the list and/or to track delivery rate and/or visible appearance of delivered messages. Seeds may also be p MORE