No Capacity To Contract

Business / Real Estate / No Capacity To Contract: The inability of a person to enter into a valid contract under any circumstances. Such inability can arise when a person has been adjudicated insane or is an officer of a corporation who is not authorized to execute a contract in behalf of a corporation.
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Other Words for Capacity

Capacity Noun Synonyms: volume, content, size, dimensions, room, space

Other Words for Contract

Contract Adjective Synonyms: agreement, understanding, deal, bargain, arrangement, pact, commitment, obligation, compact
Contract Noun Synonyms: engage, agree, promise, covenant, undertake
Contract Verb Synonyms: catch, acquire, get, come down with, develop, become infected with, go down with

Capacity Of Parties

Business / Real Estate / Capacity Of Parties: The legal ability of people or organizations to enter into a valid contract. A person entering into a contract will have full, limited or no capacity to contract. MORE

Photo File Index Print

Entertainment / Photography / Photo File Index Print: Makes ordering reprints and enlargements easy. A small print shows a positive, 'thumbnail' version of every picture on an aps roll. Each thumbnail picture is numbered on the index print to match the f MORE

Photo Elasticity

Entertainment / Photography / Photo Elasticity: Method of determining stress patterns in structures with the aid of polarized light. MORE

Photo Gallery

Lifestyle / Travel / Photo Gallery: A gallery where photographs of passengers taken by the ship's onboard photographers are displayed. Photographs are available for purchase, reprinting, enlarging, or custom framing (or burning?€¦but MORE

Photo Glossary

Entertainment / Photography / Photo Glossary: Y MORE

Photo Telegraphy

Entertainment / Photography / Photo Telegraphy: Transmission of pictures between two points by means of radio or telegraph. A print is wrapped around a cylinder and scanned by a small spot of light. Reflected light values are transmitted as a strea MORE