Other Words for Contract

Contract Adjective Synonyms
agreement, understanding, deal, bargain, arrangement, pact, commitment, obligation, compact
We have just signed a contract to supply office equipment to a new electronics company.

Contract Noun Synonyms
engage, agree, promise, covenant, undertake
Our company contracted to maintain the roads in this area.

Contract Verb Synonyms
catch, acquire, get, come down with, develop, become infected with, go down with
Eunice contracted diphtheria.

wrinkle, knit, crease, corrugate, pucker
His brow contracted into a frown.

diminish, shrink, draw together, roll (oneself), narrow, squeeze, constrict, compress, condense, decrease, reduce
When disturbed, the animal contracts itself into a ball.

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Pact / Compact / Squeeze / Catch / Narrow / Get

Installment Contract

Business / Real Estate / Installment Contract: A contract for the sale of real estate whereby the purchase price is paid in periodic installments by the purchaser, who is in possession of the property even though title is retained by the seller un MORE

Commodity Futures Contract

Business / Finance / Commodity Futures Contract: A commodity is food, metal, or another fixed physical substance that investors buy or sell, usually via futures contracts. MORE

Administrative Services Only (ASO) Contract

Health / Health Insurance / Administrative Services Only (ASO) Contract: The contract between an employer and a third party administrator. MORE

Next Futures Contract

Business / Finance / Next Futures Contract: The contract settling immediately after the nearby futures contract. MORE

Cash Settlement Contracts

Business / Finance / Cash Settlement Contracts: Transaction in which a contract is settled on the same day as the trade date, or the next day if the trade occurs after 2:30 p.m. EST and the parties agree to this procedure. Often occurs because a pa MORE

Discharge Of Contract

Business / Real Estate / Discharge Of Contract: A contract is discharged when the agreement is terminated. Obviously, the most desirable case is when a contract terminates because it has been completely performed, with all its terms carried out. Ho MORE