Business / Loan / Late Charge: A penalty you will have to pay if you do not make your loan payment on time. This usually is calculated as a percentage of the payment amount or a minimum dollar amount, such as 5% of the late payment, or $25.
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Charge Noun Synonyms: load, burden, weight, onus, impediment, care, concern, obligation
Charge Verb Synonyms: fill, imbue, load, instil, pervade, permeate, saturate, suffuse
Late Adjective Synonyms: recent, last, new, fresh, current, up to date
Late Adverb Synonyms: tardily, unpunctually, belatedly
Late Noun Synonyms: tardy, delayed, overdue, behindhand, dilatory, unpunctual, belated, past due
Science / Chemistry / Particulate: Composed of distinct particles. Smoke is particulate; pure gases are not. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Parallel Plate Intake: Intake of a stilling or protective well with two parallel plates attached below. The plates are typically three times the diameter of the well and are spaced three inches apart. The plates are used to MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Particulate Organic Matter: Particulate material in the sea derived from the decomposition of the nonmineral constituents of living organisms MORE
Business / Agriculture / Particulates: The Environmental Protection Agency has set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulates. One, in effect since 1987, regulates particles smaller than 10 microns in diameter (PM10): the othe MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Passenger Facility Charge (Pfc): An airport tax that is authorized by the us congress for upgrading and expanding local airport facilities charged per customer. Currently the tax must be between $3 and $12 on any single transaction. MORE