Charge Noun Synonyms
accusation, imputation, indictment, allegation
The charge is murder. The police decided to drop the charges against him.
attack, onset, action, assault, sally, raid, foray, sortie
At the signal the cavalry began their charge.
order, mandate, injunction, precept, command, dictate, direction, instruction, demand, exhortation
The judge's charge to the jury was to ignore the evidence given by the caretaker.
price, fee, cost
What is the charge for admission.
care, custody, protection, guardianship, wardship, supervision, jurisdiction, control, responsibility, safe keeping
We left the children in the charge of Nanny and Nanny in charge of the children.
load, burden, weight, onus, impediment, care, concern, obligation
She feared that she would become a charge on her children.
Charge Verb Synonyms
blame, censure, accuse, indict, cite, name, allege, assert
She charged him with being a hypocrite. He has been charged with assault. It is charged that she was present at the commission of the crime.
burden, entrust, commission, assign, afflict, tax
He was charged with the supervision of all the military schools.
fill, imbue, load, instil, pervade, permeate, saturate, suffuse
The air was highly charged with a stench from the kitchen.
bill, invoice, assess, debit
Please charge these items to my account. Do not charge me for merchandise not shipped.
command, order, bid, enjoin, exhort, urge, require, instruct, direct
I charge you not to speak of this matter to anyone.
ask, demand, claim, require, expect
How much do they charge for asparagus at the supermarket.
Search Google for Charge:
Business / Finance / Sales Charge: The fee charged by a mutual fund at purchase of shares, usually payable as a commission to a marketing agent, such as a financial adviser, who is thus compensated for assistance to a purchaser. It rep MORE
Technology / Digital Cameras / Charge Coupled Device (CCD): One of the two main types of image sensors used in digital cameras. When a picture is taken, the CCD is struck by light coming through the camera's lens. Each of the thousands or millions of tiny pixe MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Fuel Charge: Amount charged if car renter does not fill the car?€™s gas tank. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Effective Nuclear Charge: The nuclear charge experienced by an electron when other electrons are shielding the nucleus. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Port Charges: A charge levied of cruise lines by local government authorities. This charge is passed on to the cruise passenger. To present a fairer representation of cruise costs, 7 blue seas includes port charges MORE
Health / Dentistry / Discharge Planning: Identifying a patient's health care needs after discharge from inpatient care MORE