Business / Human Resources (HR) / Regular Full-Part-Time Employee: An individual who has been hired by an employer to work a predetermined amount of hours per week in a position/appointment of indefinite duration.
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Employee Adjective Synonyms: worker, staff member, wage-earner, hand
Regular Adjective Synonyms: scheduled, routine, systematic, ordered, steady, consistent, rhythmic(al), automatic, uniform, periodic, cyclic(al), hourly, daily, weekly, hebdomadal, semi-weekly, biweekly, fortnightly, semi-monthly, monthly, bimonthly, seasonal, quarterly, semi-annual,
Regular Noun Synonyms: routine, ordinary, common, everyday, customary, accustomed, wonted, commonplace, normal,ual, traditional, time-honoured, conventional, typical, habitual, natural, familiar, standard, predictable, scheduled, fixed, unvarying, invariable, methodical
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Key Employee: Under FMLA statutes, a key employee is defined as a salaried employee who is among the highest-paid 10% of all workers employed by the employer within a 75-mile radius. Under ERISA, a key employee is MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Nonexempt Employee: An employee who does not meet any one of the Fair Labor Standards Act exemption tests and is paid on an hourly basis and covered by wage and hour laws regarding hours worked, overtime pay, etc. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Part-Time Employee: An individual who continually works less than 40 hours per week (standard workweek hours are based on individual employer policy, therefore, a 40-hour workweek is only a guideline; this number could b MORE
Technology / Programming / Regular Expressions: A regular expression, or regex, is a term that signifies or matches a set of expressions. The set signified or matched is determined by the shorthand notation, or terms, used in the regular expression MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Irregular Verb: A verb that doesn't follow common verb patterns. For instance, think/thought and be/am/was. Most irregular English verbs today are the remains of the old Anglo-Saxon strong verbs. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Internal Temporary Pool Employee: A pool of former employees who are called upon and hired to fill temporary staffing needs on an as-needed basis. MORE