Key Employee

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Key Employee: Under FMLA statutes, a key employee is defined as a salaried employee who is among the highest-paid 10% of all workers employed by the employer within a 75-mile radius. Under ERISA, a key employee is defined as a plan participant who is a highly compensated officer or company owner.
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Other Words for Employee

Employee Adjective Synonyms: worker, staff member, wage-earner, hand

Other Words for Key

Key Noun Synonyms: latchkey, skeleton key, passkey, opener

Keywords Tag

Business / Internet Marketing / Keywords Tag: META tag used to help define the primary keywords of a Web page. MORE

Light Whiskey

Entertainment / Liquor / Light Whiskey: American whiskey, lighter in taste and body than its conventional whiskey predecessors. It is distilled at a much higher proof (161 to 189) than traditional whiskeys and aged in reused barrels rather MORE

Keyword Stuffing

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Keyword Stuffing: Writing copy that uses excessive amounts of the core keyword. When people use keyword stuffed copy it tends to read mechanically (and thus does not convert well and is not link worthy), plus some page MORE

Keyword Research Tools

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Keyword Research Tools: Tools which help you discover potential keywords based on past search volumes, search trends, bid prices, and page content from related websites. Please note that most keyword research tools used alon MORE

Keyword Matching

Business / Internet Marketing / Keyword Matching: In Google Ad Words, there are four different keyword matching options, each specifying a different way for a keyword to interact with search queries. With some options, you'll enjoy more ad impression MORE

Keyword Research

Business / Internet Marketing / Keyword Research: Keyword research includes the processes and methodologies to research key words that would be used for search and internet marketing campaigns. MORE