Job Redesign

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Redesign: The process of restructuring a job by adding, changing or eliminating certain tasks or functions in order to make the job more satisfying or challenging.
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Other Words for Job

Job Verb Synonyms: work, employment, position, berth, livelihood, career, occupation, calling, vocation, appointment, pursuit, field, trade, craft, profession, m‚tier, area
Job Noun Plural Synonyms: assignment, responsibility, concern, chore, task, undertaking, function, duty, role, mission, province, contribution, charge
Job Noun Synonyms: task, undertaking, procedure, proceeding, affair, operation, project, activity, business, matter, chore

Job Rotation

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Rotation: The practice of transferring employees for temporary periods of time between varying jobs within an organization. Often used as a training and development method. MORE

Job Sampling

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Sampling: During the selection process, the term refers to the practice of observing and measuring how an applicant actually performs certain selected job tasks. MORE

Job Reference Immunity Statutes

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Reference Immunity Statutes: Laws enacted in several states meant to provide employers with protection from liability when disclosing information regarding current or former employees. Typically for an employer to be immune from MORE

Job Redesign

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Redesign: The process of restructuring a job by adding, changing or eliminating certain tasks or functions in order to make the job more satisfying or challenging. MORE

Job Pricing

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Pricing: The process of determining pay rates for jobs within the organization by analyzing industry or regional salary survey data in order to establish appropriate job pay rates. MORE

Job Ranking

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Ranking: The process of ranking all jobs within the organization in order of importance or worth. MORE