Job Sampling

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Sampling: During the selection process, the term refers to the practice of observing and measuring how an applicant actually performs certain selected job tasks.
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Other Words for Job

Job Noun Plural Synonyms: assignment, responsibility, concern, chore, task, undertaking, function, duty, role, mission, province, contribution, charge
Job Noun Synonyms: task, undertaking, procedure, proceeding, affair, operation, project, activity, business, matter, chore
Job Verb Synonyms: work, employment, position, berth, livelihood, career, occupation, calling, vocation, appointment, pursuit, field, trade, craft, profession, m‚tier, area

Job Satisfaction

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Satisfaction: Used to define how an employee feels regarding their job, work environment, pay, benefits, etc. MORE

Job Shadowing

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Shadowing: A temporary, unpaid work experience opportunity where students learn about a particular job (typically in a field of interest) by walking through the work day as a shadow to an employee. MORE

Job Sharing

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Sharing: The practice of two different employees performing the tasks of one full-time position. MORE

Job Sampling

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Sampling: During the selection process, the term refers to the practice of observing and measuring how an applicant actually performs certain selected job tasks. MORE

Job Rotation

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Rotation: The practice of transferring employees for temporary periods of time between varying jobs within an organization. Often used as a training and development method. MORE

Job Ranking

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Ranking: The process of ranking all jobs within the organization in order of importance or worth. MORE