Business / Finance / Negative Pledge Clause: A bond covenant that requires the borrower to grant lenders a lien equivalent to any liens that may be granted in the future to any other currently unsecured lenders.
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Negative Adjective Synonyms: contradictory, anti, contrary, dissenting, dissentious, disputing, disputatious, argumentative, adversarial, adversative, antagonistic, antipathetic, adverse, adversary
Pledge Verb Synonyms: toast, drink (to), drink (someone's) health
Pledge Noun Synonyms: promise, oath, vow, word (of honor), covenant, assurance, guaranty, guarantee, warrant, warranty
Technology / Home Audio / Negative LCD: A liquid crystal display employing a dark backfield with lit elements. This results in a primarily dark display, which improves cosmetic integration with a dark colored headunit. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Negative Keyword: If your keyword is tennis shoes and you add the negative keyword -red, your ad will not appear when a user searches on red tennis shoes. Negative keywords are especially useful if your account contain MORE
Business / Finance / Negative Income Tax: A proposal to assist taxpayer with below-subsistence-level incomes. After filing a tax return, such persons would receive a subsidy to bring them up above the poverty level. MORE
Science / Biology / Negative Feedback Loop: A biochemical pathway where the products of the reaction inhibit production of the enzyme that controlled their formation. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Negative Lens: Is a simple concave lens that causes rays of light to diverge away from the optical axis. MORE
Business / Finance / Negative Pledge Clause: A bond covenant that requires the borrower to grant lenders a lien equivalent to any liens that may be granted in the future to any other currently unsecured lenders. MORE