Negative Lens

Entertainment / Photography / Negative Lens: Is a simple concave lens that causes rays of light to diverge away from the optical axis.
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Other Words for Negative

Negative Adjective Synonyms: contradictory, anti, contrary, dissenting, dissentious, disputing, disputatious, argumentative, adversarial, adversative, antagonistic, antipathetic, adverse, adversary

Negative Vorticity Advection

Science / Weather / Negative Vorticity Advection: The advection of lower values of vorticity into an area. MORE

Negative Weight

Entertainment / Bowling / Negative Weight: Weight on a ball that tends to hold back the hook and/or to get the ball into a roll earlier; bottom weight, negative side weight and thumb weight are considered negative weights. These are considered MORE

Negative Symptoms

Science / Psychiatry / Negative Symptoms: Most commonly refers to a group of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia that include loss of fluency and spontaneity of verbal expression, impaired ability to focus or sustain attention on a parti MORE

Negative Space

Lifestyle / Painting / Negative Space: The areas of an artwork that are NOT the primary subject or object. Negative Space defines the subject by implication. See Positive Space, Notan, Gestalt MORE

Negative Signs

Science / Astrology / Negative Signs: Earth and water signs; an alternate term used to describe 'feminine' characteristics of receptivity and passivity. See also feminine signs. MORE

Negative Working Capital

Business / Finance / Negative Working Capital: Occurs when current liabilities exceed current assets, which can lead to bankruptcy. MORE