Nearby Futures Contract

Business / Finance / Nearby Futures Contract: When several futures contracts are considered, the contract with the closest settlement date is called the nearby futures contract. The next (or the 'next out') futures contract is the one that settles just after the nearby futures contract. The contract farthest away in time from settlement is called the most distant futures contract.
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Other Words for Contract

Contract Adjective Synonyms: agreement, understanding, deal, bargain, arrangement, pact, commitment, obligation, compact
Contract Noun Synonyms: engage, agree, promise, covenant, undertake
Contract Verb Synonyms: catch, acquire, get, come down with, develop, become infected with, go down with

Other Words for Nearby

Nearby Verb Synonyms: close, within reach, handy, accessible, at or to hand, adjacent
Nearby Preposition Synonyms: close by, close at hand, not far-off or -away, in the vicinity or neighborhood, within (easy) reach, about, around

Next Futures Contract

Business / Finance / Next Futures Contract: The contract settling immediately after the nearby futures contract. MORE

Most Distant Futures Contract

Business / Finance / Most Distant Futures Contract: When several futures contracts are considered, the contract settling last. Related: Nearby futures contract. MORE

New York Futures Exchange (NYFE)

Business / Finance / New York Futures Exchange (NYFE): A wholly owned subsidiary of the NYSE that trades futures and futures options on the NYSE composite index. MORE