Business / Finance / Market Capitalization: Total market value in millions of dollars (or local currency) is calculated as market price times public common shares outstanding.
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Market Adjective Synonyms: shop, store, bazaar, supermarket, superstore
Market Verb Synonyms: market-place, exchange, Stock Exchange
Market Noun Synonyms: demand, customer base, call
Business / Taxes / Mid-Capitalization (Mid-Cap) Stock: A mid-cap stock is one issued by a corporation whose market capitalization falls in a range between $2 billion and $10 billion, making it larger than a small-cap stock but smaller than a large-cap sto MORE
Business / Taxes / Small-Capitalization Stock: Shares of relatively small publicly traded corporations with a total market capitalization of less than $2.3 billion are typically considered small-capitalization, or small-cap, stocks. That number is MORE
Business / Taxes / Large-Capitalization (Large-Cap) Stock: The stock of companies with market capitalizations of $10 billion or more is known as large-cap stock. Market capitalization is figured by multiplying the number of either the outstanding or the float MORE
Business / Taxes / Emerging Market: Countries in the process of building market-based economies are broadly referred to as emerging markets. However, there are major differences among the countries included in this category. Some emergi MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Marketing: The promotional activities that bring buyers and sellers together. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Marketing Director: Individual responsible for marketing a managed care plan, whose duties include oversight of marketing representatives, advertising, client relations, and enrollment forecasting. MORE