Business / Construction / Open Hole Inspection: When an engineer (or municipal inspector) inspects the open excavation and examines the earth to determine the type of foundation (caisson, footer, wall on ground, etc.) That should be installed in the hole.
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Hole Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, excavation, burrow, crater, cavern, cave, recess, niche, nook, pocket, depression, indentation, dent, impression
Open Verb Synonyms: unblock, clear, unobstruct, unclog, unstop
Open Adjective Synonyms: ajar, gaping, agape, unfastened, unlocked, unbarred, unbolted, unlatched, unclosed
Business / Finance / Open-End Mortgage: Mortgage against which additional debts may be issued. Related: Closed-end mortgage. MORE
Business / Taxes / Open-End Mutual Fund: Most mutual funds are open-end funds. This means they issue and redeem shares on a continuous basis, and grow or shrink in response to investor demand for their shares. Open-end mutual funds trade at MORE
Business / Real Estate / Open-End Trust Deed: An expandable loan in which the borrower is given a limit up to which he or she may borrow, with each incremental advance to be secured by the same trust deed. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Open-Ended Hmos: HMOs which allow enrolled individuals to use out-of-plan providers and still receive partial or full coverage and payment for the professional's services under a traditional indemnity plan. MORE
Business / Loan / Open-End Loan: A loan that permits the borrower to draw money from time to time up to a credit limit. A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is an open-end loan secured by a home. MORE
Business / Finance / Open-End Lease: A lease agreement that provides for an additional payment at the expiration of the lease to adjust for any change in the value of the property. MORE