Business / Loan / Open-End Loan: A loan that permits the borrower to draw money from time to time up to a credit limit. A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is an open-end loan secured by a home.
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Loan Verb Synonyms: advance, allowance, credit, accommodation
Health / Health Insurance / Open-Ended Hmos: HMOs which allow enrolled individuals to use out-of-plan providers and still receive partial or full coverage and payment for the professional's services under a traditional indemnity plan. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Package Loan: A real estate loan used to finance the purchase of both real property and personal property, such as in the purchase of a new home that includes carpeting, window coverings and major appliances. MORE
Business / Finance / Parallel Loan: A process whereby two companies in different countries borrow each other's currency for a specific period of time, and repay the other's currency at an agreed maturity for the purpose of reducing fore MORE
Business / Finance / Participation Loan: A large loan made by a group of lenders, that enables a borrower to obtain financing above the legal lending limit of an individual lender. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Open-End Trust Deed: An expandable loan in which the borrower is given a limit up to which he or she may borrow, with each incremental advance to be secured by the same trust deed. MORE
Business / Taxes / Open-End Mutual Fund: Most mutual funds are open-end funds. This means they issue and redeem shares on a continuous basis, and grow or shrink in response to investor demand for their shares. Open-end mutual funds trade at MORE