Business / Agriculture / Return Flow: Surface and subsurface water that leaves the field following application of irrigation water. While irrigation return flows are a 'point source,' they are expressly exempted from permit requirements under the Clean Water Act.
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Flow Adjective Synonyms: stream, pour, run, rush, course, surge, move, go, proceed, progress, drift, gush, glide, purl, roll, ripple, trickle, gurgle, bubble, swirl, whirl, circulate
Flow Verb Synonyms: rush, gush, surge, well (forth), stream, spring, issue, spout, spurt, squirt, spew, flood, cascade, fall, rain, brim, overflow, spill, teem
Return Noun Synonyms: replace, put back, restore, give back, bring or carry back
Return Verb Synonyms: come or go back, revert, turn back
Return Adjective Synonyms: exchange, bring back or carry back
Business / Finance / Price-Specie Flow Mechanism: Adjustment mechanism under the classic gold standard allowing disturbances in the price level in one country to be wholly or partly offset by a countervailing flow of specie (gold coins) that would ac MORE
Business / Taxes / Price-To-Cash Flow: You find a company's price-to-cash flow ratio by dividing the market price of its stock by its cash receipts minus its cash payments over a given period of time, such as a year. Some institutional inv MORE
Business / Finance / Production-Flow Commitment: An agreement by the loan purchaser to allow a monthly loan quota to be delivered in batches. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Punt Return: When a punt is fielded by the receiving team and advanced for better field position. The punt returner generally attempts to move the ball as far up the field as possible. Alternatively, they can sign MORE
Business / Finance / Pre-Tax Rate Of Return: Gain on a security before taxes. MORE
Business / Finance / Portfolio Internal Rate Of Return: The rate of return computed by first determining the cash flows for all the bonds in the portfolio and then finding the interest rate that will make the present value of the cash flows equal to the ma MORE