Business / Agriculture / No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL): From long-term toxicological studies of agricultural chemical active ingredients, levels which indicate a safe, lifetime exposure level. Used in setting pesticide residue tolerances.
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Effect Adjective Synonyms: result, consequence, outcome, conclusion, upshot, aftermath, impact
Effect Noun Synonyms: effectiveness, efficacy, force, power, capacity, potency, influence, impression, impact, clout, punch
Level Noun Synonyms: horizontal, prone, supine
Level Verb Synonyms: aim, point, draw a bead, direct, train, focus
Level Adjective Synonyms: even, smooth, plane, uniform, plain, flat, flush, straight, true
Observable Noun Synonyms: perceptible, perceivable, noticeable, discernible, recognizable, detectable, visible, apparent, distinct, evident, manifest, plain, obvious, clear, explicit, transparent, patent, tangible, unmistakable or unmistakeable
Science / Geology / Normal Fault: A fault with vertical movement and an inclined fault plane. The block above the fault has moved down relative to the block below the fault. MORE
Business / Finance / Normal Deviate: Related: Standardized value MORE
Business / Agriculture / Normal Crop Acreage: The acreage on a farm normally devoted to a group of designated crops. When a set-aside program is in effect, a participating farm?€™s total planted acreage of such designated crops plus set-aside MORE
Business / Finance / Normal Backwardation Theory: Holds that the futures price will be bid down to a level below the expected spot price. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Normal Flex Acreage: A provision of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 requiring a mandatory 15% reduction in payment acreage. Under this provision, producers were ineligible to receive deficiency payments on 1 MORE
Business / Finance / Normal Investment Practice: The investment history of a customer, which is used as a benchmark to test the bona fide public offerings requirement of the allocation of a hot issue. MORE