Science / Geology / Normal Fault: A fault with vertical movement and an inclined fault plane. The block above the fault has moved down relative to the block below the fault.
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Fault Noun Synonyms: mistake, error, blunder, lapse, failure, offence, oversight, slip(-up), indiscretion, gaffe, gaucherie, faux pas, boner, howler, goof, boo-boo, boob
Fault Adjective Synonyms: imperfection, flaw, defect, blemish, deficiency, shortcoming, failing, weakness, frailty, foible, peccadillo
Normal Noun Synonyms: standard, regular, average, conventional,ual, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, routine, universal, general, common, customary, natural, typical, conformist, orthodox, healthy
Science / Geology / Block Fault: A structure formed when the crust is divided into blocks of different elevation by a set of normal faults. MORE
Science / Geology / Block Fault Mountain: A linear mountain that is bounded on both sides by normal faults. MORE
Science / Geology / Fault-Block Mountain: A mountain or range formed as a horst when it was elevated between parallel normal faults. MORE
Business / Finance / Normal Random Variable: A random variable that has a normal probability distribution. MORE
Business / Finance / Normal Retirement: The age or number of working years after which a pension plan beneficiary can retire and receive unreduced benefits immediately. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Normal Yield: The average historic yield established for a particular farm or area. Can also describe average yields. Normal production would be the normal crop acreage planted multiplied by the normal yield. These MORE