Business / Agriculture / National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS): Consists of all of the National Wildlife Refuges, the Waterfowl Production Areas, and certain other small tracts managed by states under cooperative agreements with the Fish and Wildlife Service. In general, these areas are managed primarily for conservation of wild plants and animals (particularly waterfowl). Other uses, such as recreation, grazing, energy development, etc., are permitted to the extent they are compatible with the conservation purpose. Some refuges have additional purposes defined in law.
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National Adjective Synonyms: nationwide, country-wide, state, governmental, civil, public, popular, federal
National Noun Synonyms: nationalistic, nationalist, patriotic, jingoistic, chauvinistic
Refuge Adjective Synonyms: sanctuary, shelter, haven, asylum, protection, cover, retreat, harbor, security, safe house, stronghold, citadel, bolt-hole, hideaway, hide-out, hidy-hole or hidey-hole
Refuge Noun Synonyms: excuse, pretext, resort, recourse, ruse, trick, stratagem, subterfuge, dodge, evasion, expedient
System Noun Synonyms: scheme, method, approach, modus operandi, way, procedure, methodology, technique, plan, process, practice, routine
System Adjective Synonyms: organized whole, organization, set, group, combination, structure, arrangement, pattern, set-up
Science / Weather / National Meteorological Center (NMC): Now incorporated into the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, it was the division of the National Weather Service that produced, processed, handled, and distributed meteorological and ocean MORE
Business / Finance / National Market System (NMS): Refers to over-the-counter trading. System of trading OTC stocks under the sponsorship of the NASD. Must meet certain criteria for size, profitability and trading activity. More comprehensive informat MORE
Business / Finance / National Market Advisory Board: Group that advises the SEC on establishing a national exchange market system, which is a highly automated, continuous national exchange, but that preserves the regional exchanges. MORE