Business / Agriculture / Agricultural Research Extension And Education Reform Act Of 1998: P.L. 105-185 (June 23, 1998) reauthorized and revised federally supported agricultural research, education, and extension programs. The Act built upon reforms that were made in the research title of the FAIR Act of 1996. Key provisions were new accountability measures for recipients of federal research funds, and a 5-year research Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems that was authorized to be funded by savings from food stamp administrative costs. This law reduced federal spending for states?€™ food stamp program administrative and work/training costs and extended food stamp benefits to approximately one-third of the legal immigrants denied food stamps by the 1996 welfare reform legislation. P.L. 105-185 expires in 2002.
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Act Noun Synonyms: deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move, feat, exploit, accomplishment, achievement
Act Verb Synonyms: behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself
Education Noun Synonyms: learning, lore, knowledge, information, erudition
Education Adjective Synonyms: teaching, schooling, training, instruction, tuition, tutelage, edification, tutoring, cultivation, upbringing, indoctrination, drilling
Extension Noun Synonyms: addendum, addition, annexe, wing, adjunct, ell, appendage, appendix, supplement
Extension Verb Synonyms: stretching, expansion, increase, enlargement, augmentation, development, amplification, broadening, widening, lengthening, spread, spreading
Reform Adjective Synonyms: improvement, betterment, amelioration, melioration, emendation, rectification, correction, rehabilitation, change, modification, perestroika, reorganization, renovation, recovery
Reform Noun Synonyms: improve, better, ameliorate, meliorate, emend, rectify, correct, mend, repair, fix, remedy, redo, revise, revolutionize, rehabilitate, remodel, refashion, renovate, reorganize, rebuild, recover
Research Verb Synonyms: investigation, investigating, exploration, delving, digging, enquiry or inquiry, fact-finding, scrutinization, scrutiny, examination, inspection, probing, analysis, experimentation
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