Education Adjective Synonyms
teaching, schooling, training, instruction, tuition, tutelage, edification, tutoring, cultivation, upbringing, indoctrination, drilling
His education was in the hands of monks until he was twelve.
Education Noun Synonyms
learning, lore, knowledge, information, erudition
Education is gained from the experience of others.
lesson, course (of study)
The inhabitants gave her an education in how to survive in the wilderness.
Search Google for Education:
Lifestyle / College / Special Education: Special instruction for students with educational or physical disabilities; tailored to each student's needs and learning style. MORE
Lifestyle / College / COOP Education: Cooperative Education enhances the student's learning experience by integrating classroom lessons with 'real- world' employment. The college and business community cooperate to provide the student wor MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Individualized Educational Plan: IEP, a plan for educational support services and outcomes developed for students enrolled in special education programs. MORE
Lifestyle / College / Distance Education: An education program whereby students may complete all or part of the program in a geographical location apart from the institution hosting the program. MORE
Lifestyle / College / Continuing Education: Continuing education is education intended for adult learners, especially those beyond traditional undergraduate college or university age. However, it is not normally considered to include basic inst MORE
Business / Taxes / Education Savings Account (ESA): You can put up to $2,000 a year into a Coverdell education savings account (ESA) that you establish in the name of a minor child. The assets in the account can be invested any way you choose. There is MORE