Entertainment / Literature / Place Of Articulation: The point in the oral cavity where the position of speech organs (lips, teeth, tongue, etc.) Is most important for a particular sound.
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Place Adverb Synonyms: position, job, post, berth, appointment, livelihood, employment, occupation, billet
Place Adjective Synonyms: function, role, part, purpose, duty, obligation, task, responsibility, charge, chore, burden, concern, mission
Place Verb Synonyms: put (out), position, situate, locate, dispose, arrange, order, set (out), lay, deposit, station, post, spot, pinpoint, stick, bung
Place Noun Synonyms: seat, chair, position
Science / Biology / Placental Mammals: One of three groups of mammals that carry their young in the mothers body for long periods during which the fetus is nourished by the placenta. Humans are placental mammals. MORE
Science / Biology / Placenta: An organ produced from interlocking maternal and embryonic tissue in placental mammals; supplies nutrients to the embryo and fetus and removes wastes. MORE
Lifestyle / College / Placement Testing: Placement tests ensure that you get started in the right classes for your academic background and your program. Taking a class for which you are not prepared could prevent you from successfully moving MORE
Lifestyle / College / Placement Test: A test used to determine a student's level in a particular skill area. MORE
Science / Geology / Placer Deposit: A mass of stream sediment that contains an economically significant concentration of mineral particles. This accumulation of mineral particles is a result of their being of high specific gravity or re MORE
Health / Disease / Plague Of Justinian: (541-542) The Plague of Justinian was a pandemic that afflicted the Byzantine Empire, including its capital Constantinople, in the years 541?€“542 AD. It has been speculated that this pandemic was MORE