Stretch Noun Synonyms
extend, reach, span, spread
Her memory stretches back to the first World War. His Texas ranch stretches as far as the eye can see.
distend, lengthen, elongate, widen, broaden, swell, draw or pull out, balloon, inflate, enlarge, expand, increase, dilate, blow up
Stretch the netting to cover the frame.
Stretch Verb Synonyms
extent, reach, span, spread, expanse, sweep, area, tract, section
There is a stretch of desert just south of the coast.
time, stint, period, spell, term, tour (of duty), hitch
He signed up for a two-year stretch in the navy. He once did a six-month stretch in prison for assault.
overtax, overextend, warp, strain, distort, bend, break
We like to stretch our employees in this company. He is stretching the rules by allowing undergraduates to take his course.
elasticity, give, resilience, resiliency, stretchability, stretchiness
There isn't much stretch left in this old rubber band.
Search Google for Stretch:
Health / Fitness / Static Stretch: A stretch that is held within the stretched position for several seconds, without movement. MORE
Health / Fitness / Ballistic Stretching: Form of stretching that involves bouncing and bobbing during the stretch. This is not a recommended form of stretching even though you will see it quite often. MORE
Health / Fitness / Stretches: Stretches are positions that extend, and temporarily hold one's limbs or body and cause muscles to be stretched. Stretches are commonly performed to increase blood circulation, maintain muscle elastic MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Stretching Pliers: Heavy pliers with a wide mouth for gripping the canvas when it is being stretched, and so assisting in giving an equal tension as the holding tacks are being driven into the stretcher frame. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Stretcher: The wooden frame on which canvas or paper is stretched. MORE
Health / Yoga / Flank Stretch (Parsvakonasana): A standing pose. Stand with your feet 4 to 4.5-feet apart. Bend one knee at a 90-degree angle and stretch the opposite arm towards the same direction as the bent knee. MORE