Start Adjective Synonyms
jump, flinch, blench, quail, shy, recoil, wince, shrink, draw back
He started when he saw her suddenly behind him in the mirror.
Start Noun Synonyms
inauguration, opening, beginning, initiation, kick-off
When is the start of the salmon fishing season this year.
head start, advantage, edge, lead, (the) jump, drop (on someone)
Having the inside track gave her a start on the competition. If he has a ten-minute start, we'll never catch him.
Start Verb Synonyms
beginning(s), inception, birth, initiation, onset, rise, genesis, creation, emergence, origin
The start of the blues can be traced to New Orleans.
beginning, opening, move
This is not very good, but it's a start.
bulge, protrude, stick out, bug out
Warping caused these boards to start from the floor. When he saw what was in his swimming-pool, his eyes started from their sockets.
establish, found, begin, set up, initiate, institute, create, father, give birth to, beget
It was her ideas that started the current trend in mystery novels.
cause to spring or leap or dart or jump or bound
Any abrupt movement will start the plovers from cover.
beginning, commencement, opening, outset, onset, inception, start-up
The start of the race is set for ten o'clock.
opportunity, chance, beginning, help, assistance, aid, backing, financing, sponsorship, encouragement, break
Her father-in-law gave her the start she needed in business.
Search Google for Start:
Technology / Motors / Capacitor Start: The capacitor start single phase motor is basically the same as the split phase start, except that it has a capacitor in series with the starting winding. The addition of the capacitor provides a more MORE
Technology / Motors / Starting Torque: The torque or twisting force delivered by a motor at the instant it is energized. Starting torque is often higher than rated running or full load torque. MORE
Business / Finance / Annuity Starting Date: The date when an annuitant starts receiving payments from an annuity. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Jump Start: Jump Start is the term used to describe starting a motorcycle that has a dead battery by placing a good battery in parallel with the dead battery. Read the Basic Motorcycle Tip, below for procedures t MORE
Technology / Motors / Split Phase Start: Motor which employs a main winding and an auxiliary winding, which is called the starting winding. The windings are unlike and thereby 'split' the single phase of the power supply by causing a phase d MORE
Technology / Motors / Wye-Delta Starting: A method of starting a motor at rated voltage but drawing locked rotor current and producing reduced stocked rotor torque but it provides lower starting torque than a straight delta connection. Once t MORE