Other Words for Site

Site Verb Synonyms
locate, position, place, put, situate, install or instal
The building has been sited to take maximum advantage of the sun.

location, place, plot, plat, spot, locale, area, milieu, neighborhood, locality, purlieus, placement, position, situation, orientation
A site near that of ancient Pergamum has been acquired for the building. The site alongside the river has much to recommend it.

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Position / Placement

Receptor Site Former

Health / Dentistry / Receptor Site Former: A duplicate form of a root shaped or blade shaped body of an implant. Designed to form an osseous implant receptor site for implant shapes that are not prepared with rotating instruments. Utilized for MORE

New York Stock Exchange Composite Index

Business / Taxes / New York Stock Exchange Composite Index: This New York Stock Exchange Composite Index measures the performance of the common stocks listed on the NYSE, including those of companies headquartered in the United States and in other countries. T MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Carte-De-Visite: Portrait photograph on a mount about the size of a postcard. Introduced in 1854, carte-de-visite became a social craze in many countries during the 1860s. MORE


Science / Geology / Andesite: A fine-grained, extrusive igneous rock composed mainly of plagioclase with other minerals such as hornblende, pyroxene and biotite. Picture of Andesite. MORE

Restriction Enzyme Cutting Site

Science / Genetics / Restriction Enzyme Cutting Site: A specific nucleotide sequence of dna at which a particular restriction enzyme cuts the dna. Some sites occur frequently in dna (e.g., every several hundred base pairs), others much less frequently (r MORE

Alternative Worksite

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Alternative Worksite: Any location other than the employer?€™s physical worksite where employees are allowed to perform their jobs. MORE