Other Words for Roll

Roll Adjective Synonyms
rotate, cycle, turn (over (and over)), wheel, trundle, revolve, go (a)round, orbit, tumble, somersault or somerset or summersault or summerset
Th landlord rolled another barrel beer into the pub. The children loved rolling about in the ride at the fun fair.

Roll Noun Synonyms
pass, go, flow, slip, flit, glide, slide, move (on), expire, elapse, disappear, vanish, evaporate
The time certainly rolls by quickly when you're having fun.

bun, scone, croissant, bread-roll, bap, split
Waiter, would you please bring some more rolls.

peal, rumble, reverberation, boom, echo, thunder, roar
A roll of thunder drowned out her shouts.

move, drive, bowl, be carried or conveyed, cruise, sail, coast, ride, float, fly
We rolled down the road, singing and laughing.

rotation, spin, toss, whirl, twirl
I decided to bet everything on one last roll of the dice.

Roll Verb Synonyms
rob, steal from
They got their money by rolling drunks.

roar, echo, re-echo, rumble, reverberate, resound, sound, boom, peal, resonate, thunder
The roar of the explosion rolled over us as we ran for cover.

reel, spool, cylinder, scroll, tube
The message was written on a long roll of paper.

list, rota, register, record, directory, listing, roster, slate, docket, catalogue, inventory, muster, index, census, annal(s), schedule, chronicle(s), Sports line-up
With great ceremony, the clerk read the roll.

rolling, billowing, waving, wave action, wave, billow, swell, undulation, pitching, rocking, tossing
With each roll of the boat, I felt more seasick.

undulate, billow, rise and fall
The countryside rolled away before us as far as the eye could see.

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