List Noun Synonyms
lean (over), tilt, slant, heel (over), tip, careen, cant, incline
The ship suddenly listed to starboard and I was thrown onto the deck.
catalogue, register, index, record, note, itemize, enumerate, schedule, tabulate, chronicle, book, enter, enrol
Those eligible to vote are listed in this computer printout.
listing, roster, roll, rota, catalogue, directory, register, index, record, schedule, muster, slate, beadroll, laundry list, shopping list, inventory, file, tabulation, bibliography, liber veritatis, catalogue raisonn‚
Select what you need from this list.
List Verb Synonyms
lean, tilt, slant, heel, tip, cant, slope, inclination
The leak caused a severe list to port.
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Technology / Email / Seed List: A list of email addresses that should be included in every email event to monitor delivery across email platforms. Can be executed in-house or through a third-party vendor. MORE
Technology / Email / Whitelist: Advance-authorized list of email addresses, held by an ISP, subscriber or other email service provider, which allows email messages to be delivered regardless of spam filters. See also enhanced white MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Anomalistic: Pertaining to the periodic return of the Moon to its perigee or the Earth to its perihelion. The anomalistic month is the average period of the revolution of the Moon around the Earth with respect to MORE
Technology / Email / List Sale: The actual purchase of a mailing list along with the rights to mail it directly. Permission can only be 'sold' if the subsequent mailings continue to match the frequency, brand name, content, and 'fro MORE
Technology / Email / Blacklist: A list developed by anyone receiving email, or processing email on its way to the recipient, or interested third-parties, that includes domains or IP addresses of any emailers suspected of sending spa MORE
Technology / Email / List Owner: The organization or individual who has gathered a list of email addresses. Ownership does not necessarily imply 'with permission.' MORE