Privilege Noun Synonyms
benefit, advantage, right, prerogative, concession, allowance, indulgence, immunity, exemption, dispensation, freedom, liberty, franchise, permission, consent, leave, authorization, sanction, authority, license, carte blanche
The children were given the privilege of choosing where the family should go on holiday.
Search Google for Privilege:
Right / Advantage / Indulgence / Leave
Health / Dentistry / Opt-Out Privilege: A general term used when some benefits are available for out-of-network covered services. Often coverage is less than the coverage available for in-network services, and the covered person has to pay MORE
Business / Agriculture / Grazing Privilege: The benefit or advantage enjoyed by a person or company beyond the common advantage of other citizens to graze livestock on federal lands. Privilege may be created by permit, license, lease, or agreem MORE
Health / Dentistry / Guest Privileges: A CIGNA HealthCare benefits option that, under certain circumstances, can provide an in-network level of coverage to covered persons who are temporarily outside of their 'home' network service area fo MORE
Business / Finance / Exchange Privilege: An offer by a firm to give one security, such as a bond or preferred stock, in exchange for another security, such as shares of common stock. MORE
Business / Finance / Oversubscription Privilege: In a rights issue, arrangement by which shareholders are given the right to apply for any shares that are not taken up. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Admitting Privileges: The right granted to a doctor to admit patients to a particular hospital. MORE